Out with May in with June... temperatures bordering on 90 degrees has been sign enough to me that summer was here. Now with Memorial Day over swimming pools everywhere swing open their security gates. We took a dip in our neighborhood pool last night, the water is still a bit chilly for me.
Summer brings us a whole new batch of movies (and the promise of some more to follow in the fall/winter). Here's a quick list of trailers for the ones I'll be looking to go see:
Apple releases iTunes 7.2.. to prepare for iTunes Plus (DRM Free music)
Microsoft announces... well, just go look.. Surface
Alright, on to our Wednesday feature.. LIFE CHANGING TIPS AND TRICKS!!!! Hot on the heels of the May 9 update on how to sleep on a hot night, How to stop brain freeze! It is the season for cold treats, so take the time to read this over and avoid the dreaded BRAIN FREEZE!
I have been using Geni.com for sometime to record my family tree.. it's a great site with a ton of really nice tools/features. Here is there latest feature add-ons:
If you are into genealogy and might be thinking about putting your info into a system to help organize it.. I encourage you to try out Geni.com and let me know so we can be family friends. Oh, one last note from the genealogy end... someone that posts at the Geni.com site wrote a good guide on how to use social networking sites to find relatives.
How about a quick movie review? Alright, we took Carson to go see Shrek the Third. It was really good, the whole family enjoyed it. They did very well at moving the story along from the first two movies using enough of the old schtick and characters from the previous flicks, while introducing a good amount of new material too keep it fresh. I often see movies in the theater and think that I would've been better off waiting to rent it for home viewing. Shrek the Third did not fall into that category. I will also be buying a copy to watch a few more times at home.
I went to Chicago to meetup with some friends I've been gaming with for a few years on Friday/Saturday.. it was a really good time despite the one hitch that was over come with an IV for one of the other people. lol
Thanks to all those that came, especially Jeremy for (not) planning it and Mike for being an awesome host.
Brett made the trek from Nebraska to come spend 4 days with us.. I tried to pack just enough stuff in without over loading our days. Having some drinks and talking seemed to fill most of our time. Here's some pics we snapped off... Link to full album:
We went to a new park today and I took the camera along for fun... and here's one from a few weeks back that I finally got off my cell phone.. it's from Carson's Birthday dinner at Road House.
I've changed the domain name over... since I have a busy weekend ahead of me I went ahead and did the switchover today. I'm going to forward the old address over to the new one, this means that http://blog.jujuby.com will redirect you to the new address of http://blog.thomasflock.com . If you bookmarked the old address please update it when you have time. If you subscribe it should automatically adjust the links... old feed information will have bad links.Feed information is auto-updated, old and new.
I'm going to adjust the look of my blog sometime today as well... change is good.
It's May already... I'm severely behind on photos, so I vow to take some this weekend as we have some photo worthy things in hand as well as a wedding to attend this weekend. Long time family friend, Martin, will be tying the knot with his lovely bride-to-be, Karyn... more on this story as it develops. ;)
Soon jujuby.com will expire.. I've decided not to renew it and have instead acquired thomasflock.com. Any place you would've used .jujuby.com will be switched to .thomasflock.com sometime this weekend. Anyone interested in the name .jujuby.com should contact me before July 1rst, 2007.
Thanks. Regular blog update to follow later today or early tomorrow. :)