I've done a bit more customization on my photo site to try and make it more tuned to what I think people want to see.
I used to have a box on the
Galleries page that had "Featured Albums"... I tried to keep it updated with the latest albums I thought people would like to see. It's too manual of a process and it only holds 4 albums so I decided to stop using it. Recently I found another SmugMug user that had written an add-on that displayed his most recently uploaded photos.. I thought this might be kind of neat but might clutter up the page a bit and wouldn't really show all the newest albums. I dug a bit more into his posting and there was a second user that had altered the add-on to show the most recently update albums. PERFECT, I thought. There were a few tweaks that I had to figure out to get them working on my site, but I've finally got it set.
The new box called "Latest Galleries Updated" is viewable at the top of the
Galleries page... it shows the last 12 albums I uploaded an image into and it features "< Newer | Older >" navigation in the top right to browse through what I've updated lately. Below that box is the normal Gallery Categories boxes. They currently are unchanged. With this new capability at the top of the page I may start looking at re-organizing how that is setup as well to be easier to navigate.
Also tweaked a bit is my
landing page slideshow... I hid the control buttons and randomized the play order.
Finally, not related to the photo site... I've listed my blogs on the
Outside.in site. This blog:
http://outside.in/neighbors/airthom SolarFlarePhoto blog:
http://outside.in/neighbors/solarflarephoto It's a geotagging site for news, blogs, discussions, etc... I'm experimenting with it to see what it can do for me. Feel free to check it out yourself.