We started off the month getting some family portraits together, it had been quite some time since we had a nice picture of the four of us.

Carson's first grade portraits came back and they look really great. He's doing so well in school too.

Someone slammed into the back of our Van and the fled the scene. Jenni was the only one in the van and she was not injured.

I got a new camera body that added some much needed features, one of which being video. Additionally I added a lens that lets me take photos with much less light.

The boys helped Nanny make an Apple Pie! I think they had more fun eating it.

My cousin Becky came to visit us for a couple days... it was really great seeing her. One night we had dinner with the whole family, her, and my other cousin Keli(and her kids).

Our dear friend, Alyssia, from Nebraska was in town for a teacher's conference, so we treated her to a trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.

Another month, another trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. This time we went with my sister and her boys. We went to the planetarium show and spent a lot of time in the DinoSphere. I took a great video of Sam enjoying a Goldberg Machine.

Sam had his final follow-up for his surgery and everything looks great according to the doctor. The earliest we would need to go back again would be in a year. Before the appointment Sam, Dad, and I had lunch at an Indy staple... Mug -n- Bun. Sam loves their hotdogs and french fries.

Carson and his buddy Riley love playing together. I grabbed the flash and tried to get some action shots of them playing Wii.

"Excuse me, Miss, but there's something peeking out of your new bag."

And we finish up November with our trip to Nebraska to visit with family and friends for Thanksgiving. It was a great trip like always. Lots and lots of photos and lots of videos.
The famous sleep-eater:
Closing up with a couple artsy things I did in November:

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